Two particularly exciting happenings at the conference were meeting APTi founder Katharine Myers, and presenting the Excellence in APTi Leadership Award to BAAPT member Adam Frey.
Read more on the APTi website...
Bay Area Association for Psychological Type |
Among the 165 people attending the APTi conference in Miami, FL in late July were BAAPT members Karen Keefer, Sharon Richmond (who both presented) and Julie Wright. It was a great opportunity to gain new knowledge, and meet or reacquaint with Type zealots from around the world. Speaking of which, we met three new people from the SF Bay Area and invited them to BAAPT!
Two particularly exciting happenings at the conference were meeting APTi founder Katharine Myers, and presenting the Excellence in APTi Leadership Award to BAAPT member Adam Frey. Read more on the APTi website...
I had a great time at the APTi Conference in Miami last month. Reconnected with many people I hadn't seen in a while, connected with others whom I had only known via email, and met some totally new people. Not to mention the informative sessions throughout the four days.
Karen Keefer and I met three first-time attendees from the SF Bay Area, one of whom has joined BAAPT and attended the August Type Talk! Oh... and by the way, Katharine Myers (daughter-in-law of Isabel Briggs Myers, and founder of APTi) was there, too. What a treat! Julie Wright BAAPT Marketing Director
The conference was live-streamed and video of the presentations is now available.
![]() Plans are going nicely for the APTi 21st biennial conference, Growing Type Expertise, to be held in Miami, July 22 - 26, 2015. The list of speakers is really impressive Two of our Bay Area's own Type practitioners, Sharon Richmond and Laurie Lippin, are keynote speakers!
For those of you in the counseling and therapy professions, another keynote speaker of interest is Sondra VanSant, a clinical mental health and career counselor with a focus on MBTI® Step III and on training mental health professionals. Great speakers in a sunny location -- APTi in Miami. One of the benefits of your BAAPT membership is an automatic Basic level membership in the Association for Psychological Type International (APTi), which includes the ability to attend APTi's free webinars.
Two free webinars are scheduled in the near future that are available to APTi members. Please note: you must be logged into your APTi account to register for these webinars.* 1. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 9 – 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time: Carol Linden presents A Type Application for Job Seekers: Extraverts and Introverts in the Interview and During a Job Transition. With so many workers in job transition, there is a profound opportunity for the psychological type community to offer hope and provide pragmatic solutions for improving their chances to present themselves well in a job interview as well as to survive what may be a lengthy job search process. Not seeking a job? Not a problem! There are plenty of tips included for better understanding of Introversion and Extraversion in ourselves and those with whom we interact on a regular basis. Get more information and register for A Type Application for Job Seekers at 2. On Friday, May 20, 2015, 9 to 10 a.m. Pacific Time: Gary Williams presents Cognitive Bias and Type: A New Approach to Therapy, Personal Growth and Truth…Believe It or Not! This is a sneak preview of the concepts and techniques that Gary will present at the APTi Conference in Miami in July. The Information Age has brought a growing societal tendency to embrace a variety of cognitive biases over critical thinking. The relationships between biasing, psychological type, and Jungian processes are essential to understanding why we adopt cognitive “shortcuts” and how to minimize our natural, but potentially harmful, perception and judgment errors due to unconscious processes. Expect fun demonstrations, group participation and an introduction to the presenter’s new model, Cognitive Bias Transposition, a valuable tool for therapists, coaches and anyone wishing to facilitate positive growth for others or themselves. Watch for an email from APTi coming soon containing details and a registration form. * If you have questions, please contact Stephanie ([email protected]) at the APTi office, 1-518-320-7416. Do you want to become more adept with Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media? Do you just want to know what all the fuss is about?
Vicki Brown, BAAPT’s Social Media Lead / Webmaster will be hosting a pair of video conferences on Wednesday, May 13 and on Thursday, May 21 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to acquaint you with the most popularly used social media platforms. In the first session, she’ll provide an overview of the platforms BAAPT uses: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Meetup, and Pinterest. The second session goes into more detail about how to use each platform. Interested? Questions? Please contact Vicki at [email protected] for more details. If you wanted to contact Bay Area Type enthusiasts, how would you do it? You could look up the email addresses of current BAAPT members in the directory and compose a note. But what if you wanted to correspond with former members as well? Or with people who only come to occasional meetings and therefore have not officially joined BAAPT this year?
Some of these people are in FaceBook; some are in LinkedIn. But then, you'd need to have a Facebook or LinkedIn account, look the person up, and "connect" to them. Wouldn't it be convenient to have an email address you could use to reach interested Bay Area Type Enthusiasts? Our Constant Contact database has this information, but we don't want to open access to Constant Contact to every member (also, not everyone in that database wants to be open to contact by other members). There's a solution: an email discussion list (aka mailing list). In a discussion list, any subscriber can send messages to all the other subscribers, who may reply in similar fashion. Thus, discussion and information exchanges can happen via email. Think of a discussion list as "old school" social media (which, in fact it is! Email discussion lists predate the WWW by many years. Last summer, we created an email list called "SFBAAPT Type Talk" in Google groups for follow-up discussion, links, comments, and ideas for future Type Talk gatherings. (Google is just one of many platforms that support email lists.) We can use this list for general discussions among Bay Area Type Enthusiasts. The list will be open to current BAAPT members, former members, potential members, occasional attendees, and "guests". The list send-to address is: [email protected] on the web at:!forum/sfbaapt-type-talk (You can read and reply to the list through the web interface if you don’t want additional mail in your Inbox). If you are interested in being able to reach and converse with other Bay Area Type Enthusiasts, please add your gmail address to the group. If you have any trouble accessing the group, don't have a gmail address, or just prefer for someone to add your address for you, please let me (Vicki) know at [email protected]! For more information on Google Groups, please look at!overview We hope to "chat" with you in email! -- Vicki Brown Do you know about Meetup? Did you know that we have a Meetup Group? Did you know that several of our newest BAAPT members found us through Meetup! Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 9,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities. Our Meetup group currently lists 72 "Type enthusiasts". We'd love to increase that number, to show people who find our Meetup group that we are an active community!
To that end, we're asking all BAAPT members to please join Meetup. It's free.
Imagine peering into your own brain to learn how it truly works. You can, during the weekend of March 13, when Dario Nardi offers brain scanning sessions before and after our Saturday program. Sessions cost $220 and will take place in Burlingame, CA (location to come).
The sessions last 90 minutes total. There is an intake form that that you fill out, ideally before you arrive for your session. The process uses a hair-gel that you may want to wash out if you are on your way to work, etc. Otherwise, the process is harmless. Read more and sign up. If you're interested but not certain, curious about what sorts of "tasks" you'll be expected to do, or want more information the "EEG cap", you may want to read Vicki Brown's blog post about her experience with the brain scanning study last June! Did you know that our new online library catalog has space for reviews? If you've read one of the books in the BAAPT library and liked it, please let others know what you thought.
Our first review is from BAAPT Member James Campbell on one of our newest books: The Music of Life: Concerto for Mankind, donated by the author. You can see James' review here. If you want to review a book, email your comments to Vicki Brown via [email protected]. If you plan to review multiple books, please ask for a registered account to the Library application. |
March 2017