So many great things to share with you this month...
See you on the 11th!
Mit & Julie
Mit Kumarasamy and Julie Wright
BAAPT Marketing Co-Directors
- We're excited to have Doris Fullgrabe present to us on April 11th. Born in Germany and having lived in several different countries -- as well as U.S. states -- Doris knows what she's talking about when it comes to Type and Culture! Please plan to attend. The afternoon workshop is optional, and will be held in Fremont beginning at 2 p.m.
- If you responded to our Membership team's summer activity survey message sent on March 19th, thank you! If not, there's still time. You can access the survey at
- We're thrilled to welcome 19 new members to BAAPT this year. Be sure to say hello to them when you get the chance. More...
- Those of you who follow our calendar closely will notice that we've had a change of speakers in May. Danielle Poirier, regrettably, is not able to present as originally planned. However, we are really lucky that Bob McAlpine -- a leader in the Type Community -- is able to step in! It's been several years since Bob last spoke to us, and in the meantime he has conducted several trainings with Adam Frey and John Beebe. We're thrilled to have Bob back.
- Save the date! Saturday, July 18, 2015. We're going to take advantage of the fact that Type expert Peter Geyer will be in the U.S. to attend the APTi conference in July. Peter hails from Australia, and it's a treat to be able to have him speak to us in person. Watch for more details.
- Speaking of the APTi conference, Sharon Richmond -- one of our Bay Area's own -- is a keynote speaker. If you're wanting to grow your type expertise, Miami is the place to be July 22 through the 26th.
See you on the 11th!
Mit & Julie
Mit Kumarasamy and Julie Wright
BAAPT Marketing Co-Directors